Four Steps to Simplify Your Daily Social Media Activities

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Do you engage with your audience on multiple social platforms?

Do you want to work more efficiently?

Focusing your efforts on the social channels and engagement signals that are most beneficial to your business can save you time.

In this article you’ll discover how to create a social media to-do list in four steps.

simplify daily social media activities
Discover how to simplify your daily social media activities.

#1: Rank Your Social Accounts

To prioritize your social media accounts, compile a worksheet with key details for each account:

1. Make a list of all of your social accounts.

2. Write down the current number of fans or followers on each platform.

3. Dig into your marketing analytics to figure out how many monthly visits, contacts and customers each platform brings. Use the last full month’s data or an average of the last three.

Here’s what a sample worksheet with these details might look like:

Prioritize your social media platforms by the revenue they drive.

Now, take a look at which platforms are generating the most revenue for your business. This information makes it easy to prioritize your social accounts. There should be some correlation between the size of your reach and how many customers each platform generates for your business.

In the example above you would likely prioritize LinkedIn first and Twitter second. Even though you have a bigger reach on Facebook, Twitter is bringing in more monthly website visits, which is closer to your ultimate goal.

#2: Prioritize Engagement Signals

After you’ve identified which social platforms are most important, you need to prioritize the signals within in each platform.

Because social media is made up of multiple platforms that don’t share the same analytics, some engagement signals carry more weight than others. Also, a share on one network may weigh more heavily than a share on another because of the other options offered on that platform.


Here are Facebook’s options for engagement and how to prioritize them:

cocacola facebook post
Each Facebook post includes Like, Comment and Share options.


Here are Twitter’s engagement options and how to prioritize them:

upworthy twitter post
Twitter’s engagement options appear in the icon bar.
upworthy twitter engagement options
Clicking the More (…) button reveals additional options.


Here are LinkedIn‘s options for engagement and how to prioritize them:

salesforce linkedin post
LinkedIn’s engagement options are Like, Comment and Share.

#3: Create a To-Do List

After you’ve decided which types of interactions are your signals, create a daily to-do list.

Based on the earlier example—where you prioritized the platforms in the order of LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook—this would be your daily to-do list:




#4: Stick to a Schedule

Congratulations! You’ve now prioritized the platforms you’re using in your social media marketing and created a daily to-do list in the process.

Now, all you need to do is decide how much time you want to spend each day on social media and how much time to spend on each platform.

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Set a schedule for managing your social media. Image: Shutterstock.

Depending on your role, you may have a whole day or just one hour to spend on social media. A good general rule is to spend the most time on your top network, less time on your second-ranked network and so on.

However, the only way that plan will work to your advantage is if you continue to pay close attention to the numbers associated with your social platforms and make smart decisions based on the data. If nothing else, repeat step 1 every three months to ensure you’re up to date with what’s going on in your social accounts.


Social media is a proven way to build your brand, but managing accounts can be time-consuming. To get the most from your social engagement efforts, focus on channels and activities that have the most impact for your brand.

What do you think? What tactics do you use to prioritize your social engagement? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Hourglass photo from Shutterstock.