Clip-On Turns the Playground into a Life-size Game Console

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Clip-On Turns the Playground into a Life-size Game ConsoleThe Hybrid Play sensor can be clipped onto any playground structure to turn it into a life-size game console for a smartphone app

The Hybrid Play sensor looks like a giant clip. Inside,  it sits a three-axis accelerometer, infrared sensors and Bluetooth connectivity that will turn a swing set, slide or seesaw into a gaming console.

The Hybrid play system was designed to be operated by kids. Because of its design, it will cling to any playground set securely. The console works by detecting any motion on the seesaw or swing or if someone uses the slide. For example, if clipped to a seesaw, the specially-built game “Space Kids” requires the players to balance in a specific way to control the main character. The way the children balance on the actual seesaw dictates how the space explorer moves in the game.

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The sensor sells for $99 for the first 100 backers and $124 for the rest.

The tool is a great solution to the growing number of children substituting physically-engaging activity with more passive video games or TV-watching.

We believe in technology. But also we believe in the benefits of playing outdoors. We want to live in communities that actively welcome kids playing outside, and that’s why we designed Hybrid Play.

The ingenious device was designed to work with kids 6 to 12-years-old. It doesn’t only promote physical activity but also healthy socialization. Most of the games are best played in teams: one team on the swing, seesaw or slide while another watches over the game on the screen.

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The Hybrid Play is an open-source project. The Spain-based creators of the device is set on releasing the program, manuals and other information to the public that will let anyone build their own sensor. The app is already available on the Google Play store for no additional cost.

But the fun doesn’t stop there.

The developers of Hybrid Play has also created an easy-to-use game builder that will let any kid or parent use the sensor to build their own games.

The team has already shared their vision at the Kapodestrian University in Athens. The event Hybrid Cities tackles how human society and processes in the urban setting adapts to changes brought upon it by technology.

The ingenious, child-friendly design was created in collaboration with the four-member design team Joan Rojeski.

To get a headstart to tomorrow’s playground, check out their Indiegogo campaign or their website.

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