
Critical Flaws Found in VxWorks RTOS That Powers Over 2 Billion Devices

vxworks rtos vulnerability Security researchers have discovered almost a dozen zero-day vulnerabilities in VxWorks, one of the most widely used real-time operating systems (RTOS) for embedded devices that powers over 2 billion devices across aerospace, defense, industrial, medical, automotive, consumer electronics, networking, and other critical industries. According to a new report Armis researchers shared with The Hacker News prior to its release, the vulnerabilities are collectively dubbed as URGENT/11 as they are 11 in total, 6 of which are critical in severity leading to ‘devastating’ cyberattacks. Armis Labs is the same IoT security company that previously discovered the BlueBorne […] […]

Marty the grocery store robot is a glimpse into our hell-ish future

Attention shoppers: I’ve seen the future of grocery store technology, and let me tell you, we can do better. I’m no Marty McFly. I simply reside in a small Connecticut town, which means that in addition to doing Extremely New England things like commuting to the city on the Metro North, bragging about beaches, and the fact that the state inspired the picturesque fictional town in Gilmore Girls , I occasionally spend some time on the weekends shopping for groceries at a local Stop & Shop. Prior to 2019, the Stop & Shop shopping experience was similar to that […] […]

Facebook gets closer to letting you type with your mind

San Francisco (CNN Business)Elon Musk’s Neuralink isn’t the only company that wants to send your thoughts straight from your brain to a computer. More than two years ago, Facebook revealed it was working on a project for typing words onto a computer right from your brain, without requiring invasive surgery to make it work. The company has been working with several universities on the effort, including the University of California, San Francisco. Facebook helped pay for UCSF researchers to study whether electrodes placed in the brain could help us learn to “decode” speech from brainwaves in real time. As […] […]

​Vijf indrukwekkende innovaties in de (online) casino wereld

Binnen twee jaar is het zover: de online kansspelmarkt wordt vrijgegeven en de Nederlandse markt maakt voor het eerst kennis met een groot aantal online casino’s. De continue ontwikkelingen in dit gebied hebben niet alleen een positief effect gehad op de regelgeving maar ook op de technologie achter de (online) casino’s. Gokken en specifiek op spellen als online roulette is populairder dan ooit en hier mag dan ook enige technologische vooruitgang van worden verwacht. Dat zien we online en offline. Grote casino’s met een wereldwijd bereik als Caesars Entertainment en Wynn investeren in een multi-platform technologie. Online spelers zoals […] […]

IoT: A roomful of conundrums

As the drive to bring any and all imaginable physical objects online continues full steam ahead, internet-enabled devices are increasingly part of our day-to-day routines. In our quest for more productive and enjoyable – or simply easier – lives, we cannot avoid jumping on the Internet-of-Things (IoT) bandwagon. Up to 30 billion devices are predicted to be online by 2020 , according to the Mozilla Foundation. To be sure, IoT is not just about our personal efficiency or enjoyment, and the class of products such as smart watches or smart light bulbs. Spurred by innovations in hardware, networking, cloud […] […]

IBM’s $34 billion purchase of Red Hat is a mega-bet on a coding revolution

Today The world’s biggest-ever deal for a software company points towards a significant change in how code is being developed for the computing cloud. The news: Big Blue is swallowing Red Hat , a company that has made its reputation in open-source software development. The open-source movement makes core code freely available so that a community of developers can keep updating it. Companies like Red Hat create services to help companies deploy and use that code. Not just a business deal: IBM is interested in Red Hat because of its infrastructure for managing various kinds of cloud platforms. But […] […]

Chevy’s Making an Electric Camaro to Dominate the Drag Strip

Chevy has created a vehicle that would hurt Dominic Toretto more than a treacherous family member: an all-electric Camaro. Punch ” Tesla drag race vs” into YouTube, and you’re offered a panoply of ways to complete your search. You can watch one of Elon Musk’s electric cars face off with Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Dodge Hellcats, McLarens, Corvettes, and just about any supercar or muscle machine you can think of. These videos are much the same: Again and again, the instant torque of the EV’s motors smokes the gas belcher off the line, leaving nothing but the squeal of the tires […] […]

How Google’s Night Sight Works, and Why It’s So Good

Reading all the gushing praise for Google’s new Night Sight low-light photography feature for Pixel phones, you’d be forgiven for thinking Google had just invented color film. In fact, night shooting modes aren’t new, and many of the underlying technologies go back years. But Google has done an amazing job of combining its prowess in computational imaging with its unparalleled strength in machine learning to push the capability past anything previously seen in a mobile device. We’ll take a look at the history of multi-image capture low-light photography, how it is likely used by Google, and speculate about what […] […]

Slimme speakers verkopen inmiddels als een malle, vooral in China

De slimme speaker wordt niet alleen steeds populairder, er komen er ook steeds meer van. Dat verklaart waarom het aantal verkochte Google Assistants, Alexa’s en vooral Chinese smart speakers bijna verdubbeld is in het afgelopen jaar. Er zijn inmiddels bijna 17 miljoen slimme speakers verkocht, alleen al in het tweede kwartaal van 2018! Marktonderzoek van Canalys heeft uitgewezen dat er wel een verschuiving gaande is op de markt. Waar eerst de globale slimme speaker-markt werd gedomineerd door Amazon met de Echo’s met een marktaandeel van meer dan 80 procent is het nu Google die voorop loopt. De verkopen van […] […]

Stanford Researchers Build AI Directly Into Camera Optics

Until recently, cameras were exclusively designed to create images for humans — for fun, for art, and for documenting history. With the rapid growth of robots as well as various other kinds of machines and vehicles that need to observe and learn from their environment, many cameras are dedicated to machine vision tasks. Some of the most visible of those, like autonomous vehicles , rely heavily on object recognition, which almost universally means neural networks trained on commonly found objects. One limitation on the deployment of machine vision in many embedded systems, including electric vehicles, is the necessary compute […] […]

Some of the Oldest Galaxies in the Universe Orbit the Milky Way

When the universe was young, there were no stars, galaxies , or even atoms. As space expanded, hydrogen atoms formed and coalesced into stars. Eventually, the first galaxies emerged, and some of those galaxies may still exist. New data from researchers at Durham University in the UK and Harvard in the US suggests several of those ancient galaxies could be in our own backyard . This discovery also lends credence to a leading model of the early universe. Our current understanding holds that the early universe was not even transparent to radiation. It took thousands of years for that […] […]

Welcome to Checkout-Free Retail. Don’t Mind All the Cameras

Hotlittlepotato The shop has no sign. Or rather, the sign is obscured by some kind of bunting. The glass doors are papered over. You gotta know what’s back there, like a speakeasy. Venturing to open the door, I find I still can’t get inside. Between me and a cramped 180 square feet or so of convenience store-like shelves—yogurts, bags of exotically-flavored freeze-dried peas, refrigerators full of juice, and pre-packaged sandwiches—is a turnstile. It is a shop. I will shop. There’s a reader on the right. There’s an app. This is San Francisco, 2018. There is always an app. Get […] […]

The Self-Driving Startup Teaching Cars to Talk

Every element of’s exterior design—from the color scheme to the location and phrasing of the text—is carefully selected and tested. “We have a lot of opinions and ideas. They are not worth anything unless the user says so,” says design chief Bijit Horns honk. Hands wave. Lights flash. Fingers fly and eyes meet. This orchestra may seem a mess to anyone stuck in the pit at rush hour, but for the most part, it works. Humans may not excel as drivers when it comes to paying attention or keeping calm, but we’re masters of communication, even when […] […]

Self-Driving Cars Should Look Down, Not Just Ahead

WaveSense ground penetrating radar tech comes out of MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory, a defense R&D center, and was first deployed to help troops navigate in Afghanistan in 2013. Self-driving cars are like snowbird retirees. Given the freedom to live, or operate, anywhere in the country, they turn their backs on wintry states and flock to the sun. There’s a reason Waymo, Uber, and even grocery story giant, Kroger, are testing their shiny new autonomous vehicles in southwestern cities like Phoenix. Yes, Arizona’s regulations are friendly to them, but the year-round good weather is the major draw. As sophisticated as these […] […]

Google gebruikt Artificial Intelligence voor het koelsysteem in het datacenter

Datacenters moeten koel zijn, om de servers goed te laten functioneren. De afgelopen jaren werkte Google aan een Artificial Intelligence algoritme die zich kan aanpassen aan een koelsysteem. Koelsysteem Google Nu heeft het algoritme alles onder controle in Google’s datacenter. De AI heeft geleerd om de temperatuur zo optimaal mogelijk te houden, maar wel energie te besparen. De besparing is ongeveer veertig procent. In eerste instantie werden de aanbevelingen van het systeem eerst bekeken en daarna toegepast. Dat kostte veel tijd, en uiteindelijk hebben ze het systeem geautomatiseerd. Er zijn wel altijd opzichters die het systeem in de gaten […] […]

Hubble Captures 15,000 Galaxies in a Single Stunning Image

Early in Hubble’s mission, it scanned a patch of sky for 10 days to collect 342 separate images. When assembled, they became the now-famous Hubble Deep Field. NASA has updated this iconic image over the years as the telescope became more powerful, and it’s doing so again. Hubble may be inching toward obsolescence with the upcoming launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), but it’s still producing amazing images. The newest panoramic view of the universe shows more galaxies than ever before . According to NASA, the new image features a whopping 15,000 galaxies, and 12,000 of them […] […]

Smart irrigation systems vulnerable to attacks, warn researchers

Security researchers have warned of a potential attack that – using a “piping botnet ” of internet-connected irrigation systems that water simultaneously – could impact a city’s water system to the point of actually draining its reserves. A team of six academics from Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Israel, identified and analyzed security flaws in the firmware of several commercial irrigation systems that are connected to the internet. They focused on three commonly sold smart irrigation systems – GreenIQ, BlueSpray, and RainMachine – and found that they suffer from vulnerabilities that enable attackers to remotely turn watering systems on and […] […]

Een film die je kunt sturen met je brein

Aan de universiteit van Nottingham hebben ze iets voor elkaar gekregen wat in eerste instantie lijkt op een goed science fiction verhaal. Waar je normaal gesproken in de bioscoopzaal of op de bank een film kijkt waarvan de slotscène al lang en breed vastligt, kun je nu ook een film kijken die nog alle kanten op kan gaan. De film ‘The Moment’ vormt zich naar de toestand van je brein. Dit zit zo. De activiteit in je brein wordt gemeten met EEG, middels een headset die het hoofd is bevestigd. Hiermee kan gekeken worden of je bijvoorbeeld slaapt, ontspannen […] […]

MIT’s New AI Can See Through Walls

MIT has given a computer x-ray vision, but it didn’t need x-rays to do it. The system, known as RF-Pose, uses a neural network and radio signals to track people through an environment and generate wireframe models in real time. It doesn’t even need to have a direct line of sight to know how someone is walking, sitting, or waving their arms on the other side of a wall . Neural networks have shown up in a lot of research lately when researchers need to create a better speech synthesis model, smarter computer vision, or an AI psychopath . […] […]

With its new in-car operating system, BMW slowly breaks with tradition

When you spend time with a lot of BMW folks, as I did during a trip to Germany earlier this month, you’ll regularly hear the word “ heritage .” Maybe that’s no surprise, given that the company is now well over 100 years old. But in a time of rapid transformation that’s hitting every car manufacturer, engineers and designers have to strike a balance between honoring that history and looking forward. With the latest version of its BMW OS in-car operating system and its accompanying design language, BMW is breaking with some traditions to allow it to look into […] […]

A machine has figured out Rubik’s Cube all by itself

Unlike chess moves, changes to a Rubik’s Cube are hard to evaluate, which is why deep-learning machines haven’t been able to solve the puzzle on their own. Until now. Yet another bastion of human skill and intelligence has fallen to the onslaught of the machines. A new kind of deep-learning machine has taught itself to solve a Rubik’s Cube without any human assistance. The milestone is significant because the new approach tackles an important problem in computer science—how to solve complex problems with when help is minimal. First some background. The Rubik’s Cube is a three-dimensional puzzle developed in […] […]

China’s ambition to power the world’s electric cars took a huge leap forward this week

China’s grand designs to dominate the future of clean energy paid off spectacularly this week. In a public offering on June 11 in Shenzhen, battery giant Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd. (CATL) raised nearly $1 billion to fund ambitious expansion plans, and its stock has been shooting up every day since. Thanks largely to the company’s new plants, China will be making 70 percent of the world’s electric-vehicle batteries by 2021, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). The rapid rise of CATL is arguably the clearest, though certainly not the only , payoff from China’s calculated efforts to bolster […] […]

University of Leeds project is developing tarmac 3D printing robots to repair roads

The University of Leeds is pioneering a £4.2 million national infrastructure research project that will use tarmac 3D printing robots to repair potholes and cracks. These robots will be both aerial and ground-based in order to thoroughly inspect and identify damaged areas on roads in the UK. As part of a visionary project to create “ Self Repairing Cities ”, the University of Leeds has formed a research consortium for the project which includes engineers and faculty from University College London (UCL), the University of Southampton and the University of Birmingham . The project’s teams are currently halfway through […] […]

3D printing in construction, architecture and the built-environment

The use of 3D printing for construction and architecture is a rapidly developing area. Additive manufacturing is used not only in the design stages of construction projects, but is also bringing remarkable full-scale structures to life. This article highlights some of the possibilities that 3D printing brings to the built-environment. These include 3D printed houses, buildings, bridges and infrastructure. The 3D printed Housing 05 Project by CLS Architetti The 3D Housing 05 project from CLS Architetti , an Italian architecture firm, is a sustainable, 3D printed house. The project was showcased at Milan Design Week 2018 . Massimiliano Locatelli, […] […]

Mercedes-Benz’s Plan for Surviving the Auto Revolution

“Who’s afraid of defining the future?” asks Wilko Stark, the man tasked with pulling Daimler and its flagship brand, Mercedes-Benz, into the future. If you’re the guy in charge of leading Daimler —you know, the world’s largest luxury carmaker, one of Europe’s most important tech companies, and the inventor […] .

New MRAM Breakthrough Could Revolutionize CPU Designs

Historically, covering changes to the mainstream memory market (loosely defined as SRAM for CPU caches, DRAM for volatile RAM, and a mixture of SSDs and HDDs for non-volatile storage) has been a bit of a letdown. It’s interesting, on the one hand, to see how various niche approaches have […] .

First Robot Delivery Drivers Start Work In Silicon Valley

Six-wheeled robots will deliver food and coffee across a Silicon Valley office park in the first commercial use of the technology—and whole cities could be next This article titled “First robot delivery drivers start work at Silicon Valley campus” was written by Alex Hern, for on Monday 30th […] .

Tesla voluntarily recalls 123,000 Model S vehicles

If you own a Model S built before April 2016, you’re probably going to want to swing by a dealer and get it checked out.. Tesla has just issued a voluntary recall for 123,000 Model S vehicles, having found that the power steering bolts in some were displaying “excessive […] .

A robotic camera system films sports like a human does

New AI software can move and focus a camera to frame shots that look incredibly natural for viewers. How it works: A robotic camera system, called Polycam Player and made by Nikon company MRMC , uses image recognition to track players on the field . Instead of panning and […] .

Forget Self Driving. The Future is in Self Parking

Up to a third of the cars clogging the roads in a given downtown area are people looking for parking. Up to a third of the cars clogging the roads in a given downtown area are people looking for parking. You’ve done it yourself, circling the block four times, […] .

Yes, Even Elite Hackers Make Dumb Mistakes

Mai Schotz On Thursday, a report from the Daily Beast alleged that the Guccifer 2.0 hacking persona —famous for leaking data stolen from the Democratic National Committee in 2016—has been linked to a GRU Russian intelligence agent. What appears to have given Guccifer away: The hacker once failed activate […] .

Critical Infrastructure Interview with David Harley

WeLiveSecurity sat down with David Harley to get a better understanding of Critical Infrastructure and the role he has played in the area throughout his career. [Editor] How did you come to be involved with Critical Infrastructure? [David Harley] I first took an interest in Critical Infrastructure (CI) when […] .

Hey Siri! Read me this locked iPhone’s hidden messages…

Apple has confirmed media reports that your iPhone may not be keeping your messages as private as you think. With iOS 11, Apple introduced a privacy feature that allows you to hide message content on your lock screen. The idea if that you may want to know that you […] .

Aging Japan: Robots may have role in future of elder care

TOKYO (Reuters) – Paro the furry seal cries softly while an elderly woman pets it. Pepper, a humanoid, waves while leading a group of senior citizens in exercises. The upright Tree guides a disabled man taking shaky steps, saying in a gentle feminine voice, “right, left, well done!” Residents […] .

Subaru channels the iPhone X in 2019 Forester

The 2019 Subaru Forester on display at the New York International Auto Show Look out, Apple. Subaru’s coming. The Japanese automaker unveiled its new 2019 Subaru Forester at the New York International Auto Show on Wednesday. It’s largely similar to previous Foresters, but there’s one major upgrade: It now […] .

Amazon Key Lets Delivery People Into Your House—and It Just Got Hacked

Today Amazon Key Lets Delivery People Into Your House—and It Just Got Hacked A key hardware safeguard in Amazon’s recently launched while-you’re-out delivery service has been hacked. And, well—less just say you probably should have seen this coming. Amazon Key uses a smart lock and cloud-based security camera in […] .

Meet the Tesla Semitruck, Elon Musk’s Most Electrifying Gamble Yet

Tesla Elon Musk has always dreamed big, and tonight he showed off his biggest reverie yet: the fully electric Tesla Semi. Powered by a massive battery, it’s capable of hauling 80,000 pounds. It’ll even drive itself —on the highway, at least. The big rig, which Musk unveiled at Tesla’s […] .

Fitbit has a new partnership to help wearers manage diabetes with the Ionic smartwatch

Fitbit’s latest partnership will help people with diabetes use the new Ionic smartwatch to monitor glucose levels. Fitbit is looking to expand its health monitoring capabilities beyond just fitness tracking, so the company is teaming up with a major medical device maker to help people manage diabetes directly on […] .

Nissan’s New Vehicle Can Be Driven With A Single Pedal

The updated electric Leaf has longer range and more power, in an attempt to undercut rivals from Tesla and General Motors This article titled “New Nissan Leaf has one-pedal driving mode for both accelerating and braking” was written by Samuel Gibbs, for The Guardian on Wednesday 6th September 2017 […] .

IoT Garbage Can Sorts Your Trash Automatically And Gathers Data

This trash bin is smart enough to separate garbage from recyclables and inform maintenance staff when it’s time to come collect it Collecting and taking out the trash has never been this easy. Bin-e , the world’s first intelligent waste bin, will automatically sort any trash that goes inside […] .

The Next Frontier In Fabric Tech Is Reinventing Fashion With Function

Meet LOOMIA, the team of young creatives bent on getting smart textiles right and introducing fashion to the power of the blockchain With objects all around us getting smarter, and more covetable for it, it makes sense that fashion should follow suit. Enter LOOMIA , the New York startup […] .

A New Kind of Social Robot Welcomes A More Human Touch

Blossom is a social robot that looks a little different from the rest More social robots are being created to act as an interactive assistant that helps at home. Most of these robots look very high tech, usually made up metal or plastic that gives them a smooth, flawless […] .

Why Volvo Is Going All Electric In 2019

All Volvo car models following 2019 will either be electrically powered or a hybrid Swedish car manufacturing company Volvo announced that all of the cars they produce after 2019 will either have an electric engine or operate as a hybrid. Electric vehicles seem to have a bright future as […] .

Alphabet’s New Air Traffic Control System Steers Drones Away From Peril

Flying a drone is easy enough. Ensuring that thousands of them flying through the same airspace don’t crash into each other, though? That’s a bit harder. Fortunately for the future of drones, Alphabet’s X laboratory has been developing its own solution. The vision of a sky filled with autonomous […] .

If You Want to Glimpse the Power of AI, Play These Games

Google made one thing abundantly clear at this week’s big I/O developer conference: It is an AI-first company now. The brass spent hours explaining how artificial intelligence will touch every product— Google Lens ! A new AI chip ! Smart Reply ! Heady stuff for sure. But Google […] .

Reuben Paul still at it with connected toys hack

The security concerns surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT) took another turn at the World Forum at The Hague in the Netherlands on Tuesday, as an 11-year-old boy stunned an audience of cybersecurity experts by hacking their Bluetooth devices. Reuben Paul, who lives in Austin, Texas, and who first […] .

Tesla Tweets: Model 3 in Juli, vrachtwagen in september

Elon Musk tweet er lustig op los en zo krijgen we in losse woorden te horen wat de plannen van zijn autobedrijf Tesla zijn. Zo weten we nu dat de presentatie van de uiteindelijke versie van Tesla’s betaalbare Model 3 in Juli gaat zijn. Dat is alles. Juli. Zoals […] .

Android Trojan Targeting Over 420 Banking Apps Worldwide Found On Google Play Store

android banking malware Do you like watching funny videos online? I am not kind of a funny person, but I love watching funny videos clips online, and this is one of the best things that people can do in their spare time. But, beware if you have installed a […] .

AI spreekt onze taal en heeft dus ook onze vooroordelen

Kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) neemt onze menselijke vooroordelen over, zo roepen de koppen die refereren aan het onderzoek aan de Universiteiten van Bath en Princeton die AI hebben onderworpen aan een impliciete associatietest (IAT). Tijdens die test komen er normaal gesproken woorden op een scherm te staan de snelheid waarmee […] .

Duo: de slimme spiegel met een assistent er in

We hebben het al vaker zien langskomen, het idee van een spiegel met ingebouwd scherm die je nuttige informatie kan geven. Duo, een project dat in de crowdfunding pre-order fase zit , wil nog een stap verder. Een spiegel met een scherm én een virtuele assistent die je dingen […] .

Hackers Can Steal Your Passwords Just by Monitoring SmartPhone Sensors

Do you know how many kinds of sensors your smartphone has inbuilt? And what data they gather about your physical and digital activities? An average smartphone these days is packed with a wide array of sensors such as GPS, Camera, microphone, accelerometer, magnetometer, proximity, gyroscope, pedometer, and NFC, to […] .

Drone software gives offline farmers real-time images

Credit: DroneDeploy Cloud computing is all well and good for enterprises with big-data applications and consumers with virtual assistants, but it runs into some limits in an isolated cornfield. On farms and other places far from powerful computers and network connections, there’s a trend away from centralized computing even […] .

6 steps for setting up a server room for your small business

Credit: Thinkstock NOTE: This story was originally published in September 2013 and updated in April 2017. Bringing IT in-house and setting up dedicated on-premises servers can be intimidating for a small business, especially given the recent focus on online services. Moreover, resources designed to help tend to assume a […] .

Mobile, security tools among education tech favorites

Credit: Vicki Lyons, Sara de la Fuente and Daniel Basile In the school district of La Crosse, Vicki Lyons depends on mobile device management software from Jamf to manage the Wisconsin district’s fleet of iPads and MacBook Air devices. The Apple device management platform plays a key role in […] .

8 Ways Technology Is Improving Your Health

We hear all the time about how technology is bad for us. Since the introduction of computers, we spend more time sitting at a desk than moving around at work. We have created this sedentary lifestyle that is causing havoc in our overall life. What if I were to […] .

Elon Musk's OpenAI and Google's DeepMind release their AI playgrounds to everyone

Artificial intelligence developed by the likes of Google’s DeepMind and Elon Musk’s OpenAI is taught within the confines of game worlds – including navigating around mazes, dodging deadly cliffs, playing laser tag and flying through space. In a mission to build a general AI capable of solving any problem […] .

Displays are the secret superstars of CES

Live coverage from the year’s biggest technology conference, the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The year in tech starts here. Before the tech industry started putting AI and Alexa into everything , the clearest route to making a frumpy old device “smart” was to put a screen on […] .

Uber’s self-driving cars start picking up passengers in San Francisco

Uber’s self-driving cars are making the move to San Francisco, in a new expansion of its pilot project with autonomous vehicles that will see Volvo SUVs outfitted with sensors and supercomputers begin picking up passengers in the city. The autonomous cars won’t operate completely driverless, for the time being […] .

Police Ask for Amazon Echo Data to Help Solve a Murder Case

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The Robotic Grocery Store of the Future Is Here

Swarm robotics, autonomous delivery vehicles, and machine-learned preferences will help deliver your food faster. Most people don’t buy a jar of relish every week. But when they decide to buy one from Ocado—the world’s largest online-only grocery retailer—they don’t have to scrabble at the back of the store. Instead, […] .

Ford’s newest self-driving test cars have more compute power and better vision

Ford has developed a new generation of autonomous development vehicle, a hybrid Fusion that uses the same essential platform as its current vehicles, but with a big upgrade to processing power through new on-board computing hardware, as well as improved LiDAR sensors, which deliver a better field of view […] .

Which is cheaper: Containers or virtual machines?

The emergence of application containers has come with questions about where this technology fits in the enterprise technology landscape, and more specifically how it compares to virtual machines. + MORE AT NETWORK WORLD : Are containers VM killers? A new report from 451 Research has some provocative findings on […] .

Switzerland is holding the world’s first Cyborg Olympics

First there were the Olympics. Then there were the Paralympics. Now there’s the Cybathlon: the world’s first competition for disabled athletes using bionic assistive technology. It happens in Zurich on October 10th. The event is called the Cybathlon because “ Cyborg Olympics” was bound to get someone sued, and […] .

Watch Movie Online Beauty and the Beast (2017) subtitle english

Beauty and the Beast (2017) HD Director : Bill Condon. Producer : David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman. Release : March 15, 2017 Country : United States of America. Production Company : Walt Disney Pictures, Mandeville Films. Language : English. Runtime : 123 min. Genre : Fantasy, Romance. Movie ‘Beauty and the Beast’ was released in March 15, 2017 in genre Fantasy. Bill Condon was directed this movie and starring by Emma Watson. This movie tell story about A live-action adaptation of Disney’s version of the classic ‘Beauty and the Beast’ tale of a cursed prince and a beautiful young woman who […]

MIT creates video you can reach out and touch

Strictly speaking, video isn’t an interactive medium, but a new research project from MIT aims to change that: The school’s CSAIL lab has come up with a technique through which viewers can reach out and ‘touch’ objects in videos, manipulating them directly to achieve effects similar to what you’d […] .

China has actually built that elevated bus that travels above car traffic

If you’ve ever been surfing through random videos on Facebook or another social media site you’ve probably seen the concept video of that Chinese train/bus hybrid thing that can travel over cars (and over traffic). But that was just a video rendered concept. And like me, you probably thought […] .

Biometric Scanning Startup Promises Speedy Airport Security Lines

Authenticate your identity and scan your documents in a matter of seconds instead of waiting in line No more waiting in long lines for the airport security check: a biometric scanning technology […] .

Ransomware: First files … now complete devices

A major threat to computer security is malicious code. In fact, over the years, it has become one of the main causes of security incidents, from the first viruses in 1986 to the most sophisticated malware of today. Recently, a particular type of malware, although not new, has become […] .

Is Wi-Fi finally ‘fast enough?’

Wi-Fi has become so ubiquitous over the past decade and a half that we talk about it – and complain about it – like it’s part of the weather. Be honest, average user – the first thing you think when your connection starts acting up is “damn it, what’s […] .

Hacked 3D printers could commit industrial sabotage

3D printers show potential for industrial sabotage. Credit: Michael Kan 3D printers can churn out toys, clothing and even food. But the technology also shows potential for use in industrial sabotage, researchers warn. Imagine a car maker using 3D printers to manufacture components, only to have the parts contain […] .

Uh-Oh! Pokémon GO grants itself ‘Full Access’ to your Google Account — Fix It NOW

Nintendo’s new location-based augmented reality game Pokémon GO has been making rounds since its launch just a few days ago. People are so excited to catch ’em all that brought Nintendo’s market-value gains to $7.5 Billion (£5.8 Billion) in just two days – the highest surge since 1983. Due […] .

Watch Full Movie Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Beauty and the Beast (2017) HD Director : Bill Condon. Producer : David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman. Release : March 15, 2017 Country : United States of America. Production Company : Walt Disney Pictures, Mandeville Films. Language : English. Runtime : 123 min. Genre : Fantasy, Romance. ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is a movie genre Fantasy, was released in March 15, 2017. Bill Condon was directed this movie and starring by Emma Watson. This movie tell story about A live-action adaptation of Disney’s version of the classic ‘Beauty and the Beast’ tale of a cursed prince and a beautiful young woman […]

This Tiny Computer Doesn’t Require a Battery

University of Washington has created quarter-sized computer that pulls power from the air Even with all our gadgets and gizmos, we still rely on the battery power of our devices to get us through the day. […] .

This Artificially Intelligent Toy Helps Children With Their Emotional Development

Povi is a connected toy on a mission to sharpen your child’s EQ Povi is a connected toy on a mission to sharpen your child’s EQ With an overwhelming growth of screens and devices surrounding us today, many children born into this computing generation are remarkably tech savvy, but […] .

How Retailers Are Using SMS To Ease The Path To Purchase

The Power of Chat Debrief spotlights how transactions are being embedded in the chat interface We share images, updates and locations over social channels to remain ever-connected to our peers, but the most efficient […] .

BackBlaze details new 4U storage pods with a massive 480TB of space

BackBlaze’s business is selling online backup solutions, but it has also been so kind as to release data on hard drive failure rates and the design/specs of its storage hardware. Today is a big day for BackBlaze as it’s announcing a new version of its 4U rack-mounted storage pods. […] .

Facebook is bezig met de ontwikkeling van een standalone camera app

Facebook is bezig met de ontwikkeling van een standalone camera app om de 1,6 miljard gebruikers te stimuleren in het maken en delen van meer foto’s en video’s. Zo weet de WSJ te melden op basis van mensen die bekend zijn met de situatie. Een prototype van de app […]tutorial android .

The Future of Cars Isn’t Just Automated, It’s 3D-Printed

We spoke with creators of first 3D-printed car to uncover future of additive manufacturing From footwear to guns, 3D printing has made tremendous advancements both in the breadth of what can be produced and the […] .

Game of Phones: Tech Plays in the Quest for the Iron Throne [Infographic]

Winter is coming. Eventually. And while we wait for the White Walkers to inevitably break through the wall and wreak havoc on Westeros, Game of Thrones will no doubt take us on many more twists and turns, with the new season set to get underway shortly. To celebrate the […] .

Your Future Flatware Will Be Forged by 3D Printing

Metal printing brings stunning cutlery to the table. If you’ve been fantasizing about a future where every home has a 3D printer, here’s another picture to add to that daydream. The SETAE flatware set by notable 3D printing wizard Francis Bitonti […] .

What If Your iPhone Had Wheels and a Head?

This tiny bot could be what takes consumer home automation to the next level. A new “Star Wars-esque” house robot could change how we use our phones to do things. It’s called Robit . This […] .

When Siri Clones Won’t Do: The Many Shades of Facebook’s AI-Powered Future

Some months back, Facebook introduced M, an AI-slash-human-powered virtual assistant to several hundred users in the San Francisco bay area. Mind you, M isn’t just a Siri clone: the human brains behind it allow it to perform much more complicated (and offbeat) tasks, like drawing wacky pictures or sending (live!) parrots to someone’s office, as well as more practical tasks like booking flights or buying movie tickets—hint, hint, Star Wars aficionados… .

Best of 2015: Glasses Protect from Face Recognition

AVG reveals eyewear to protect your identity from facial recognition programs PSFK counts down our 10 most popular posts of 2015. The Best of 2015 , above all else, illustrate lessons that other innovators, thinkers, and change-makers can […] .

How Wearable Technology Can Quantify the Payment Process

An early tech adopter uses biometrics to streamline checkout and track his spending habits The Future of Digital Safety & Security: A Consumer Guide is a 10-week series from PSFK and MasterCard exploring the key […]tutorial android .

British Intelligence Open-Sources its Large-Scale Graph Database Software

UK’s Secretive Spy Agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has open-sourced one of its tools on code-sharing website GitHub for free… A graph database called ‘ Gaffer .’ Gaffer , written in Java, is a kind of database that makes it “easy to store large-scale graphs in which the nodes […] .

Facebook lets anyone build a social network with its AI hardware

Facebook is for the first time contributing AI hardware designs to its own Open Compute Project , namely the Big Sur modular servers that it uses for complex artificial intelligence tasks. Big Sur is Open Rack-compatible and contains eight high-performance GPUs, which have enabled the company to improve its […] .

13 TechCrunch Stories You Don’t Want To Miss This Week

The TechCrunch crew is back from Disrupt London with exciting news to report and a few new companies for you to meet. Jukedeck, an AI startup that writes music for your videos , took home the Disrupt Cup and the £30,000 grand prize. The winner of the Disrupt London […] .

5 innovators who want to make your life easier

Nigerian cartoonist and YouTube star. Yagazie Emezi, on a TSTMKRS app experience at Zaina Lodge in Ghana’s Mole National Park. (CNN)According to Google CEO Eric Schmidt , “great innovators and great companies see the space that others don’t.” But we’d also add that innovators demonstrate an awe-inspiring level of […] .

Germany just fired up a monster machine that could revolutionize the way we use energy

On Thursday, the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics fired up a monster machine that it hopes will change the world. The machine is called the Wendelstein 7-X, or W7-X for short. It’s a type of nuclear-fusion machine called a stellarator […] .

Will Any City Ever Truly Be Car-Free?

Car-free days have slashed pollution in Paris while new eco-cities are aiming to design out the need for vehicles—but will cars in cities ever be consigned to history? .

Here’s What Developers Are Doing with Google’s AI Brain

Jeff Dean speaks at a Google event in 2007. An artificial intelligence engine that Google uses in many of its products, and that it made freely available last month, is now being used by others to perform some neat tricks, including translating English into Chinese, reading handwritten text, and […] .

A Step-by-Step Guide — How to Install Free SSL Certificate On Your Website

Another Big Milestone – Let’s Encrypt is now offering Free HTTPS certificates to everyone. Let’s Encrypt has opened to the public, allowing anyone to obtain Free SSL/TLS ( Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security ) certificates for their web servers and to set up HTTPS websites in a few simple […] .

Download Movie Nocturnal Animals (2016)

Nocturnal Animals (2016) HD Director : Tom Ford. Producer : Tom Ford, Robert Salerno. Release : November 4, 2016 Country : United States of America. Production Company : Universal Pictures, Artina Films, Fade to Black Productions, Focus Features. Language : English. Runtime : 116 min. Genre : Drama, Thriller. ‘Nocturnal Animals’ is a movie genre Drama, was released in November 4, 2016. Tom Ford was directed this movie and starring by Amy Adams. This movie tell story about Susan Morrow receives a book manuscript from her ex-husband – a man she left 20 years earlier – asking for her opinion […]

Download and Watch Movie Lion (2016)

Lion (2016) HD Director : Garth Davis. Producer : Iain Canning, Angie Fielder, Emile Sherman. Release : November 24, 2016 Country : Australia, United Kingdom, United States of America. Production Company : The Weinstein Company, See-Saw Films, Screen Australia, Aquarius Films, Sunstar Entertainment. Language : বাংলা, English, हिन्दी. Runtime : 118 min. Genre : Drama. Movie ‘Lion’ was released in November 24, 2016 in genre Drama. Garth Davis was directed this movie and starring by Sunny Pawar. This movie tell story about A five-year-old Indian boy gets lost on the streets of Calcutta, thousands of kilometers from home. He survives […]

Quiet Riot: Silent Discos Changing Perception of Noisy Crowds in Cities

Using wireless headphones, partygoers gathered in a section of Brooklyn to party in silence, without hassle from neighbors or authorities Using wireless headphones, partygoers gathered in a section of Brooklyn to party in silence, without hassle from neighbors or authorities Loud dance parties have always been subject to scrutiny […] .

In Norway, Luminous Apparel Takes On the Polar Night

LUNATIVE’s battery-operated hoodies and jackets will provide light in Europe’s darkest town LUNATIVE’s battery-operated hoodies and jackets will provide light in Europe’s darkest town Darkness doesn’t really exist; it’s just the absence of light. That may be true, but for anyone who needs to travel or work when the […] .

Big Data, IoT, Wearables: A Connected World with Intelligence

At the CES 2015, I was fascinated by all sorts of possible applications of IoT – socks with sensors, mattresses with sensors, smart watches, smart everything – it seems like a scene in sci-fi movies has just come true. People are eager to learn more about what’s happening around […] .

Watch Movie Online Nocturnal Animals (2016) subtitle english

Nocturnal Animals (2016) HD Director : Tom Ford. Producer : Tom Ford, Robert Salerno. Release : November 4, 2016 Country : United States of America. Production Company : Universal Pictures, Artina Films, Fade to Black Productions, Focus Features. Language : English. Runtime : 116 min. Genre : Drama, Thriller. ‘Nocturnal Animals’ is a movie genre Drama, was released in November 4, 2016. Tom Ford was directed this movie and starring by Amy Adams. This movie tell story about Susan Morrow receives a book manuscript from her ex-husband – a man she left 20 years earlier – asking for her opinion […]

Watch Full Movie Collateral Beauty (2016)

Collateral Beauty (2016) HD Director : David Frankel. Writer : Allan Loeb. Producer : Michael Sugar, Brad Dorros, Allan Loeb, Anthony Bregman, Kevin Scott Frakes. Release : December 6, 2016 Country : United States of America. Production Company : Warner Bros. Pictures, Likely Story, Anonymous Content, Overbrook Entertainment, PalmStar Media. Language : English. Runtime : 97 min. Genre : Drama, Romance. Movie ‘Collateral Beauty’ was released in December 6, 2016 in genre Drama. David Frankel was directed this movie and starring by Will Smith. This movie tell story about Retreating from life after a tragedy, a man questions the universe […]

Have Kids Catch On to World of Coding with Robotic Ball

Sphero SPRK Edition helps children shape their own future as they see their programming skills take hold of transparent robo-ball. It’s a little plastic ball, but it’s anything but […] .

Google, Samsung to issue monthly Android security fixes

Google Inc and Samsung Electronics Co will release monthly security fixes for Android phones, a growing target for hackers, after the disclosure of a bug designed to attack the world’s most popular mobile operating system. The […] .

Simple Text Message to Hack Any Android Phone Remotely #StageFright

Own an Android phone? Beware, Your Android smartphones can be hacked by just a malformed text message. Security researchers have found that 95% of Android devices running version 2.2 to 5.1 of operating system, which includes Lollipop and KitKat, are vulnerable to a security bug, affecting more than 950 […] .

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It

I was driving 70 mph on the edge of downtown St. Louis when the exploit began to take hold. Though I hadn’t touched the dashboard, the vents in the Jeep Cherokee started blasting cold air at the maximum setting, chilling the sweat on my back through the in-seat climate […] .

Car Hacking ? Scary, But Now it’s REALITY!

Next time you find yourself hooked up behind the wheel, make sure that your car is actually in your control. Hackers are now able to break into hundreds of thousands of vehicles on the road. Car hacking is a hot topic today and until now it was performed only […] .

How the Internet of Things will enable ‘smart buildings’

A smart city Should a building be self-aware? Roberto de Bonis, a senior researcher at Telecom Italia that presented at the 4 th International SMART Conference in Belgium, discussed smart technology and its application in so-called ‘smart buildings.’ De Bonis believes that, since more than 50% of the world’s […] .

The Large Hadron Collider just helped scientists discover an exotic new particle

You know the Large Hadron Collider ? That giant particle accelerator that physicists use to crash atoms together at high velocities and observe what happens? Well, just a few short months after CERN fired it up again, it’s already helped scientists uncover a completely new class of particle — […] .

10 Videos of Robot Fails (and What They Mean for Machine Learning)

Engineering, namely inflexible thinking, explains how robots can have off days too Engineering, namely inflexible thinking, explains how robots can have off days too When it comes to performance of most skill-based tasks, robots have us beat. Computer chess master Deep Blue proved they’re smarter strategists; Sound Machine 2.0 […] .

I keep 200+ Browser Tabs Open, and My Computer Runs Absolutely Fine. Here’s My Secret.

I don’t know about your part, but I make heavy use of tabs. I currently have 200+ tabs open in my Google Chrome Web browser. And sometimes the number is even more. For me it’s a daily thing, as I regularly open new tabs because of my habit of […] .

New Release: Kali Linux for Docker — Deploy and Play!

Kali Linux for Docker The Developers of one of the most advanced open source operating system for penetration testing called ‘ KALI Linux ‘ have made the operating system available for Docker-addicted system administrators. But, What’s Docker? Docker is a new open-source container technology, released in June 2014, that […] .

Hola — A widely popular Free VPN service used as a Giant Botnet

The bandwidth of Millions of users of a popular free VPN service is being sold without their knowledge in an attempt to cover the cost of its free service, which could result in a vast botnet-for-sale network. ” Hola ,” a free virtual private network, is designed to help […] .

ZOOM in Turijn eerste dierentuin met iBeacon technologie

De Italiaanse dierentuin ZOOM in Turijn lanceert een mobiele app die gebruik maakt van de iBeacontechnologie. Hiermee willen ze de bezoekers een volledige ‘ edutainment ‘-ervaring bieden. Ook bevat de app een interactieve kaart en je kunt ook kortingsbonnen en rewards verdienen tijdens je bezoek. Vanaf deze maand kun […] .

The Risk With Cloud — And How To Fix It

Employees need to have the freedom to innovate, without IT restrictions. And cloud allows such liberty. But cloud is built up of compute, network and storage, none of which are yours. The only thing you own in the cloud is your data . When you move applications to a […] .

Helsinki's ambitious plan to make car ownership pointless in 10 years

Urban mobility, rethought … Helsinki, Finland. Photograph: Hemis/Alamy The Finnish capital has announced plans to transform its existing public transport network into a comprehensive, point-to-point “mobility on demand” system by 2025 – one that, in theory, would be so good nobody would have any reason to own a car. […] .

Will Periscope Redefine What We Find Interesting?

Twitter’s new video app is brilliant technology in a lush package—what a shame our lives are all so boring, right? In November 2009, Twitter made a small, seemingly cosmetic, change to its web interface. For two years, ever since the site was still called “twttr”, the box for composing […] .

Augmented Mirror Lets You Test Drive Makeup

Modiface alters your visage so you can preview different looks Modiface’s Mirror combines augmented reality and facial recognition so shoppers can see what they’ll look like with different shades of makeup before making a purchase decision. The Mirror combines a 3D live-video feed with a Photoshop-style sampler of more than […] .

Volvo’s Spray-On Paint Makes Nights Safer for Cyclists

Life Paint easy spray-on increases visibility for the road’s most vulnerable Volvo’s record of developing and implementing safety systems in their vehicles spans their entire history. Recently they’ve debuted a new ‘paint’ aimed at cyclists to make them more visible to drivers at night and reduce the chance a […] .

Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015 [Infographic]

What does this year hold for technology? Here’s a look the top technology trends for 2015 and predictions of where digital business will be in the next five years. Are you prepared? The top trends for 2015 include the Internet of Things; 3-D printing; advanced, pervasive, and invisible analytics; […] .

The way we live now: the rise of the energy-producing home

The ZEB house is one example of a new type of property designed to produce surplus energy. Photograph: EVE Imagine living in a house that contributed to society: a house that produced energy, while consuming none itself. Well, imagine no more. After perfecting the “passivhaus”, which consumes minimal energy, […] .

The social network that you can wear

A joint venture between design teams at MIT’s Tangible Media Group and the Fluid Interface Group have incorporated the social network into a garment which signals to other wearers your interests and associations. (CNN)Once was a time when finding out if you were compatible with someone involved a complex […] .

The Face Detection Algorithm Set to Revolutionize Image Search

Back in 2001, two computer scientists, Paul Viola and Michael Jones, triggered a revolution in the field of computer face detection. After years of stagnation, their breakthrough was an algorithm that could spot faces in an image in real time. Indeed, the so-called Viola-Jones algorithm was so fast and […] .

Social Movement Encourages Real-World Interaction with Tech-World Metrics

Arts & Culture Tweet Share Branch Out Movement is taking modern approach to traditional communication—using tech to get people to connect “the good, ole fashioned way” Over the past decade, technology use has become to take precedence over face-to-face interactions. Burying our faces in social media, e-mail, e-news, and […] .

On 10 Breakthrough Technologies

Jason Pontin Every year, MIT Technology Review selects the 10 technologies we believe are the greatest breakthroughs of previous months, those that in the future will have the broadest impact on commerce, medicine, and society. The challenge and fascination of editing our publication (and therefore of creating this list) […] .

Amsterdam to Host World’s First Drone Circus

The world’s first drone circus is to be held in the Netherlands, where aerial robots equipped with lasers and projectors will spin in dizzying dances across the Amsterdam Arena. The AIR 2015 show is scheduled to take place this year with hundreds of drones lined up to fill the […] .

The new View-Master officially turns Google Cardboard into a toy

Mattel announced an update to its iconic View-Master handheld 3D-viewer toy in New York on Friday. The new View-Master was developed in conjunction with Google and its Cardboard project , and it turns the retro slide-viewer into a modern virtual reality headset. Basically, the new View-Master is a plastic […] .

Code Blue Panic Button Aims To Help Teens With Depression

This free mobile app offers immediate support by sending alerts to pre-selected support members. Code Blue is a free mobile app designed to help young people suffering from depression or experiencing bullying through immediate support. By simply tapping the screen button, an alert is sent to pre-selected support members. […] .

Device Dispenses Beer When Two Strangers Charge Their Phones Together

Alcohol helps to loosen people’s lips at a European networking event Alcohol has long been known as a social lubricant, which is exactly why Nordic agency group Hasan & Partners has created a device that dispense beer only when two people are charging their phone together. Installed at this […] .

7 secrets from the Sony hack: Scripts, salaries, employee romance and more

I’ve spent the last few days poring over the nearly 40GB of data hacked and leaked from Sony Pictures Entertainment’s (SPE) internal computer systems. The group responsible for the hack , which calls itself Guardians of Peace (GOP), claims there is more to come. The rationale for the hack […] .

New smartphone app promises easy eye testing worldwide

Peek Retina allows healthcare professionals to conduct eye examinations using a smartphone. HIDE CAPTION A look into the future? 1 2 3 4 5 London (CNN) — The team behind a smartphone-based portable eye examination kit have just launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for new innovation. Peek […] .

APIs: The Great Enabler of the Internet of Things

This guest post comes from Mark O’Neill. Mark is a frequent speaker and blogger on APIs and security. He is the co-founder and CTO at Vordel , now part of Axway. In his new role as VP Innovation, he manages Axway’s Identity and API Management strategy, including the API […] .

Microsoft gives out free access to its Azure Machine Learning service

Microsoft Azure machine learning Maybe you’ve been holding off on using Microsoft recently announced Azure Machine Learning service for building models to incorporate into applications. Maybe you don’t want to pay money for that sort of service. If that’s the case, you’ll welcome a recent development coming out of […] .

Home Automation Gadgets Are Leading Explosive Growth In The Consumer 'Internet Of Things' Market

Homes around the world are going to become smarter and more connected over the next five years.  Overall, a fair number of mainstream consumers still don’t fully understand what connected-home devices are and how they work. However, adoption and awareness is still high for such a new category. We […] .

Eric Schmidt: Every 2 Days We Create As Much Information As We Did Up To 2003

Today at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe, CA, the first panel featured Google CEO Eric Schmidt . As moderator David Kirkpatrick was introducing him, he rattled off a massive stat. Every two days now we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up […] .

Technology set journalism free, now new platforms are in control

Emily Bell, the former Guardian digital editor who now runs the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, gave a speech recently at the Reuters Institute in the UK about the crossroads at which journalism finds itself today. It’s a place where media and journalism — and in […] .

How data scientists are changing the face of business intelligence

How data scientists are changing the face of business intelligence Nick Cicero 9 hours ago  Follow Humans are walking data centers and our interactions and behaviors, no matter how minuscule, are building a near infinite pool of aggregate data over the course of our lifetime. This data can be […] .

44 best mobile apps and tools for marketers: How to manage social media from anywhere

Kevan Lee 5 hours ago  Follow This post originally appeared on the Buffer blog . You get a ton done when you’re at your computer, speeding away on the day’s social media strategy . Might there be a way to wring some productivity when you’re away from your desk? […] .

Early build of Gmail 5.0 adds Yahoo, Outlook, AOL and Exchange mail support

A A Permalink to Early build of Gmail 5.0 adds Yahoo, Outlook, AOL and Exchange mail support Summary: An early software build of Gmail 5.0 is unofficially available, confirming that support for IMAP, POP and Exchange mail accounts for the Android client. Google hasn’t officially released the newest update […] .

Uncertainty: Technology’s Secret Weapon in Encouraging Us to Explore

Uncertainty: Technology’s Secret Weapon in Encouraging Us to Explore Uncertainty is a healthy state that encourages liberalism, toleration and fairness by inviting us to explore and ask questions, argues philosopher Luciano Floridi There are many things in life that we value, but uncertainty is not one of them. At […] .

Secure Your Home With an Autonomous, Wheel-Shaped Robot

In the near future, tech-savvy homes may be patrolled by more than just dust-busting Roombas ; with their award-winning project idea, an Arizona start-up plans to make rolling security bots a reality. The Roambotics Jr., developed by company co-founders Scott Menor and Tyler Anderson, is designed as a freestanding […] .

Levi’s Launches Interactive Shoppable Film

“Nearly everyone in the modern world owns, or has owned, a pair of Levi’s jeans,” says Stephen Clements, executive creative director at AKQA . This bold statement was the starting off point for the advertising agency’s partnership with Levi’s to create the Live in Levi’s Project , an online […] .

Adobe Takes On iPad Sketching With A Stylus Set

Adobe Takes On iPad Sketching With A Stylus Set Adobe has launched a stylus and straight rule set that works with a pair of iPad apps to help artists, designers and architects exercise their creativity. Having noticed that people stopped using their digital products (instead favoring a pen and […] .

This Machine Can Learn About the World Just by Watching It

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Tesla wants to kill gasoline by sharing its electric car technology with everyone

In an attempt to spur innovation, Tesla Motors says that it will allow anyone to use its patented technology on electric vehicles — even its biggest competitors. In  a blog post , company CEO Elon Musk says that Tesla will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone using its technology "in […] .

Share your feelings! How emotion maps will transform your daily journey

The live sentiment mapping The live sentiment mapping “demonstrator” that is being projected at the new Transport System Catapult innovation center. STORY HIGHLIGHTS A UK team is creating a new platform for mapping people’s journey sentiments The goal is to combine social media data with other sources to improve […] .

What an Enterprise! NASA physicist, artist unveil warp-speed craft design

NASA’s warp-speed spacecraft, designed by physicist Harold White, is based loosely on drawings Matthew Jeffries’ 1965 drawings of “Star Trek’s” Enterprise. NASA’s warp-speed spacecraft, designed by physicist Harold White, is based loosely on drawings Matthew Jeffries’ 1965 drawings of “Star Trek’s” Enterprise. Artist Mark Rademaker created the visual representations […] .

Google Develops An Always-On Personal Assistant For The Car

You are not a secret agent, but you may feel like one when your cell phone starts functioning in much the same way as the computer in Knight Rider’s… It’s no accident that Google is calling its new hands free, eyes free search system ‘KITT.’ It’s engineers today are […] .

iOS 8 ‘Extensibility’ Will Allow Widgets, Third-Party Keyboards

Apple showed off some developer-centric features in iOS 8 at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), and a notable one among them was Extensibility, which lets apps share some aspects of their abilities with other apps. While the iPhone already has some inter-app functionality, Extensibility brings it to a […] .

In iOS 8, Parents Can Control What Apps Their Kids Purchase

Apple debuted a new iOS 8 feature at its Worldwide Developers Conference on Monday that will enable families to share iTunes purchases and make it easier for parents to regulate their children’s transactions. Family Share, which will be available when iOS 8 launches later this year, will allow up […] .

Report: NSA Collects Millions of Images Each Day for Facial Recognition

Written and audio messages aren’t the only forms of communication the government appears to be gobbling up. The National Security Agency is collecting “huge numbers” of photos from emails, text messages, social media, videoconferences and other forms of communication for facial recognition purposes, according to classified documents obtained by […] .

Drone Beat: Delivering Drinks for $20K, Hunting Hurricanes and More

The U.S. government uses them to bomb alleged terrorists in far-away places. Tech companies like Amazon, Google and Facebook are all toying with the idea of using them, and now they’re a photographer’s secret weapon. Drones are a big part of our lives, whether we see them or not. […] .

TV on Twitter: Starz Is Debuting Full ‘Power’ Episode in New Video Feature

Starz will premiere its new crime drama Power on Twitter, using the social platform’s new in-line video feature that allows one-touch playback via Twitter Cards. The full episode will appear in a tweet at midnight Saturday well before the show’s June 7 television debut, a digital-first strategy other TV […] .

5 tips to stay safe on public Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi hotspots are a blessing for travelers and anyone who just wants to do a little Web surfing while having lunch or coffee in a shop. Connecting is convenient, and it helps users avoid going over their cellular data limits and getting socked with overage fees. If you’re not […] .

Microsoft Patches Internet Explorer Zero-Day Vulnerability, Even for Windows XP

Microsoft had publicized widely its plans to stop supporting oldest and widely used Operating system, Windows XP after 8th April this year, which means that Microsoft would no longer issue security patches for it. A few days back, we reported about a new critical Zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft’s browser that […] .

Why Using a Public Wi-Fi Network Can Be Dangerous, Even When Accessing Encrypted Websites

“Don’t do your online banking or anything sensitive on a public Wi-Fi network.” The advice is out there, but why can using a public Wi-Fi network actually be dangerous? And wouldn’t online banking be secure, as it’s encrypted? There are a few big problems with using a public Wi-Fi […] .

How much better can smartphone cameras get?

(CNN) -- Smartphone competition isn't just about choosing the biggest screen, fastest processor or sleekest operating system. As phones continue to replace point-and-shoot cameras, a new battleground for smartphone manufacturers is camera quality. And the bar keeps getting raised. Nokia's new Lumia 1020 smartphone, which goes on sale July [...]

Can you be electrocuted by your smartphone?

(CNN) -- Could your smartphone really give you a lethal electric shock? That question was on the minds of many Monday amid news that Apple is investigating the death of a woman in China whose family said she was electrocuted after answering a call on her iPhone while the [...]

Teens Build Car Fueled By Social Media (VIDEO)

A group of high schoolers from Kansas City, Mo. are about to embark on a very special road trip, using a car fueled entirely by social media. (Yes, you heard that right.) According to WKMG Local 6 , teens involved in an after-school program called Minddrive -- a non-profit [...]

Rare Apple 1 Computer Sells at Auction For $671,400

A very rare Apple 1 computer sold for a record $671,400 in a German auction on Saturday, according to The New York Times . As Mashable reported ahead of the auction , the Apple 1 computer is a low-powered PC from Apple's humble beginnings, which began with original co-founders [...]

Robot bartender creates crowd-sourced cocktails

San Francisco (CNN) -- "Crowd control" took on a whole new meaning Wednesday night as a room full of partygoers were given power over a cocktail-making robot controlled by their smartphones. Attendees at a party for the Google I/O Conference here were invited to send a drink recipe via [...]

Startup unveils 3-D scanner at SXSW

Austin, Texas (CNN) -- Four years ago an unknown startup called MakerBot showed up at the South by Southwest Interactive conference here with a prototype of its first desktop 3-D printer, which spit out plastic replicas of small objects. Bre Pettis, the company's co-founder, took the machine around to [...]

Google maps Sandy flooding, power outages

(CNN) -- Google has used its wealth of data to compile an interactive crisis map for massive storm Sandy, giving users up-to-date information about storm surges, power outages, shelters and evacuation routes. The Superstorm Sandy 2012 map was assembled by Google's Crisis Response Team to help residents of the [...]

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Tech focus now on Microsoft Windows 8, Surface tablet

By Bill Rigby SEATTLE | Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:32pm EDT (Reuters) - Firm sales numbers for Microsoft Corp's Windows 8 and its new Surface tablet will not be available for three months, but it may be clear long before then if it has a hit on its hands. [...]

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